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About the Total Control® Program

What is the Total Control® Program?
It's a urogynecologist designed and medically based total body workout that puts the focus on fitness from the inside out. Emphasis is first placed on strengthening the pelvic core. This low impact program is designed for women of all ages to improve flexibility, posture, and strength, as well as promote sexual and bladder health. The seven-week course meets twice a week and includes 60 minutes of exercise followed by 15 minutes of key tips to improve your pelvic health and fitness. Increase your energy, inner power & confidence!

What makes Total Control® Program different from other fitness programs?
While all major muscle groups are addressed to ensure a total body workout, emphasis is placed on the special needs of a woman's body to strengthen and stabilize her core.

What is the Pelvic Pyramid?
The original Total Control Program referred to the three important muscle groups (the transverse abdominals, multifidus and pelvic floor) as making up the Pelvic Pyramid or your true core. The program continues to focus on these muscle groups along with emphasizing breath (and your diaphragm) during the course. You may have never heard of these muscles, but by the end of the course, you'll be in tune with your true core.

How will Total Control® Program help a new mother's body?
The pelvic muscles can become stretched and weakened by the baby during labor and delivery. By strengthening this key muscle group as part of a full-body workout, you promote healing, restore muscle tone and improve your sexual and bladder health.

What age group should exercise the Pelvic Pyramid?
It's important for women of all ages to maintain pelvic floor muscle strength and flexibility. Many factors can put a woman's pelvic muscles at risk including childbirth, nutrition, urinating habits, obesity, menopause and pelvic surgery. Like any other muscle, exercise improves the conditioning and strength of the pelvic muscles. Become healthier from the inside out.

Will Total Control® Program help me improve my sexual health?
Yes, by increasing the blood flow to the genital area and strengthening and toning the muscles of the pelvic floor, you can increase both your sexual pleasure and health.

Will Total Control® Program help me sleep through the night?
Yes. Contracting (squeezing) the pelvic floor muscles can decrease the feeling of urgency. Enjoy a full night's sleep, wake up refreshed and energized.

Will Total Control® Program help me improve my bladder health?
If you don't always make it to the bathroom in time, or you worry about coughing, laughing or sneezing, take heart ... you are among millions of women who struggle with this embarrassing condition. By exercising the Pelvic Pyramid, you strengthen the key muscles that support the pelvis, bladder and urethra, thereby enhancing their optimal function.

What other benefits does the Total Control® Program offer?
Strengthening and toning your pelvic muscles improves your posture through better spine and pelvic alignment. Stand tall and feel confident!

What topics are covered in the 15-minute lifestyle education portion of the class?
Learn more about your body than you've ever known before in a comfortable, friendly environment.

Topics will include:

  • What role the pelvic floor plays in overall health & wellness?

  • Why it matters what you eat or drink?

  • What amount of fluid your body needs?

  • How to find the best healthcare provider?

  • How to improve your sexual health?

About Ordering Online

What forms of payment are accepted?
Payments through Zelle or Venmo. 

What is the cost and method of shipping?
We offer USPS shipping. Shipping costs will be calculated based on destination and weight at checkout.

Do you ship internationally?
Not at this time.

What is the return policy?
All sales are final.

How do I make a return/exchange?
All sales are final.