Millions Of Women Struggle. 
Only One In Twelve Seeks Treatment.

Did you know that urinary incontinence (UI), the involuntary loss of bladder control, is actually more common than asthma or diabetes? It's true! UI, which occurs when stress or pressure is placed on the pelvic floor or when pelvic floor muscles are not strong, affects nearly 200 million men and women of all ages and races worldwide. Within the United States alone, at least 13 million to as many 33.3 million are affected. Yet despite its worldwide prevalence, women and men often wait years (4-6 years on average) before seeking treatment.

You have the power to change this. Help is all around you, especially within yourself! In fact, approximately 80% of people who experience accidental leakage can cure their condition or improve their symptoms through various treatments. It starts with making mindful choices for your body. 

Types of Incontinence

Stress Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine during moments of increased physical stress (e.g., lifting, jogging, coughing, laughing, or sneezing). 

Urge incontinence is a condition caused by involuntary bladder contractions, which lead to an increase in urinary frequency, strong bladder urges, needing to go all the time, races to the bathroom, and frequent nighttime voiding. Urge incontinence is a major symptom of Overactive Bladder. 

Mixed incontinence is a condition featuring the symptoms of both stress and urge incontinence, but usually one type is more dominant. 

Overflow incontinence is when there is an obstruction to the outflow of urine. The obstruction prevents the normal emptying of the bladder. A pool of urine constantly remains in a bladder that cannot empty properly; however, pressure builds up behind the obstruction. The normal bladder-emptying mechanism becomes faulty, and urine may leak past the blockage from time to time. It can be caused by disease (diabetes and multiple sclerosis, for example) or by pelvic trauma.

Treatment Options

Treatment, which can include medication, behavioral/nutritional modification, pelvic muscle exercises, surgery or a combination of these, depends upon results of diagnostic tests, so a thorough examination of your specific condition by your physician, urologist, or urogynecologist (an obstetrician/gynecologist who has specialized in the care of women with pelvic floor dysfunction) is highly recommended. Diagnosis may include a complete medical history and thorough physical examination. X-rays, cystoscopic examinations, blood tests, urine analysis, and special tests to determine bladder capacity, sphincter condition, urethral pressure, and the amount of urine left in the bladder after voiding may be required. 


On the foremost list of treatment strategies for better bladder control is a program of pelvic exercises. Numerous research studies have shown that strength training of the pelvic floor muscles is an effective way to treat stress urinary incontinence. Cure rates after a regular program of pelvic floor exercise varies between 44% and 69%. 

Pelvic floor exercises are not considered difficult, but as in all forms of exercise, correct form and consistency can make all the difference. When correctly done, pelvic floor exercises can help strengthen and improve bladder control and provide other wonderful health and sexual benefits, especially when performed in conjunction with exercises that work the muscles of the Pelvic Pyramid. 

How Total Control® Can Help

A new, proactive movement in women's health has finally arrived! 

Designed for women of all ages, life stages, and fitness levels, Total Control® engages women to learn about and work their bodies to strengthen their core and improve their overall quality of life. Looking to improve bladder health? Flatten your tummy? Boost orgasms? Total Control® is here to help you take charge of your body and your life. By providing women with valuable knowledge and resources, we are confident that you'll be able to make mindful choices that will help improve your health and prevent future issues. 

We want you to have full confidence and control. We want you to enjoy the quality of life you've always deserved. And we'll show you how with the Total Control® Program - a revolutionary pelvic fitness and wellness program that will get you motivated, energized and moving in a safe and effective way. In the process, you'll get to know your body better, feel better and as a result, have more confidence. You will also be supported by the Total Control® Community - an active, encouraging group of women just like you who want to listen and share their successes and experiences. 

We invite you to take part in this movement to improve the lives of all women.